You Jump, I Jump

Taking a leap of faith is scary; pulling the trigger on a God appointed dream is even scarier. I am learning to trust God and throw out every single back up plan we have. I am such a planner that I have Plan A-Z color coded and laminated! Listening to my church’s sermon this week, I learned we have to throw out every backup plan we ever created and lean into God. How does one do that? I have no idea, but today I decided I was going to take every backup plan I created in case this business didn’t work out and throw caution to the wind.

Scary right?! How do I know things will work out? Will I be a success? Will anyone even read this?!? I have been giving into fear for almost thirty years and I’m sick of letting fear win. I am so in awe of people who are truly a free spirit. I’d love to be like that, but I can’t be free without breaking up with fear. Fear has been this voice that is so loud in my mind. It criticizes me more than any person on earth could. For the longest time I just thought that these criticisms were driving me to be this perfectionist who had it figured out. 2020 came and ripped (and I mean truly ripped) to the studs everything I have been stuffing deep down and never set free.

Who likes conflict? I didn’t want to face these “I could fail moments,” so instead of facing them, I just never went after the dream. If we hold ourselves back, how will we know if we can succeed or be directed to something greater? Not only do I want fear to lose my number, but negative speaking needs to go with it. I have started to tell myself one nice thing a day, key word started! I would love to shift all these negative self-sabotaging thoughts and just take that huge leap of faith. If God appointed me to open this bakery and to be dare I say it vulnerable with people, then there is no doubt in my mind that this HAS to work. Even if it doesn’t work the way I think it will, I have experienced God opening doors and rerouting me to something better, so why not change our perspectives, and maybe stop thinking with our heads and let our hearts decide? A whole new world could be waiting for us and I dare you to try to take that leap of faith. You’re not alone, I'm jumping into the unknown with you.