Bat a Lash
Can we talk about eyelashes for a second? I love a good fake eyelash extension and more power to the people who can wear a strip lash. The first time I got a strip lash put on was in Sephora and I LOVED the way my eyes looked. The only problem was I didn’t know how to put a strip lash on my own eyes. To everyone who said “OHHHH it's soooo easy…” It’s not, I tried. I cut the strip lash to my eye length and the one time I got them on my eyes, they immediately shot off. I was back to square one: trying every mascara under the sun, scrolling through hacks on how to make your naturals look fake - none of it worked.
Jump to when I found my hair salon. They offered eyelash extensions and I was hooked! The thicker, the better! I wanted to look like the Muppet in the band with Animal. Her eyelashes were wild and at one point, I really did have eyelashes as thick as a Muppet. Looking back, I probably should’ve gone a tad more natural because I looked wild! What I didn’t like about eyelash extensions was when you found someone who was really good at them, the person usually didn’t stay at the salon long and you were back to find another spot. Not to mention fills and sets are so expensive! Starting over, my eyelashes were damaged, but I got so used to how I looked that the thought of not having them was not an option. I finally found a lash tech at my nail salon and was going every other week until the shutdown (can you say CA-CHING?!?).
COVID hit and the salons were forced to close, leading me to take off the remaining eyelashes. I had to embrace the natural damaged lashes I had left. It was nice to be able to rub my eyes, but my look dramatically changed, leaving me to do some inner self love. I was left to do some rehab on my lashes, finding some really great growth products. If you are looking to grow your lashes quickly, I highly recommend Bondi Boost Lash growth. My lashes went from nubs to long and luscious.
As time went on I realized:
A. I didn’t need to spend the amount of money I was on fills
B. I looked beautiful with or without the enhanced lash look.
I even had a dream that an old woman told me that I didn’t need eyelash extensions because I AM BEAUTIFUL without them. I took that dream as confirmation to keep doing what I am doing. I love that I do not have to lay on a table for almost two hours for a fill and when I want to have an enhanced look, I can put on Lashify or Lilac St. lashes for a few days. If you are interested in the products I mentioned, chickity check them out below: (as an FYI I am not sponsored by these products, but would love to because I believe in them!)
Bondi Boost Serum- (it even grows your brows)
Lashify Control Kit: (super easy to put on if you are challenged like I am with strip lashes)¤cy=USD&utm_medium=product_sync&utm_source=google&utm_content=sag_organic&utm_campaign=sag_organic&gclid=EAIaIQobChMI4fPW2qre8gIVsW5vBB0MMADjEAQYASABEgIXHPD_BwE
Lilac St. (a little cheaper than Lashify and they give you mapping advice)